I'm just me..A thinker but not a freethinker....

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Saturday, May 2, 2009

And the Award goes to jeng..jeng..jeng...

Salam.heheehh.. x sangka dapat award dri sahabat baik saye..En.Akmal a.k.a budak konfem best.heheehh.sangat2 berterima kaseh..ermmm..award nie ade rules dy..tp bak kate cik yasmin..sape2 pon yg bace post nie..akan dpt gak award..so amik la ek award nie..tp nti ade org kecik ati plak x sebut name..hahaahh..so, terpakse la saye sebut..huhuhuhu..mari kita lihat sape yg dpt..ehemm..:

1. Cik Lina a.k.a kecik - My life savior-heehh (kawan yang setia mendengar di kala saye dlm kekusutan)

2.En. Akmal a.k.a- My 2nd Advicer -(1st advicer aq coz dy nie mtk nasihat gak dr aq gak.org yg konfem best wlpon aq x rase cm2..eheh~~`)

3. Cik Musi a.k.a my Friend - (kawan aq yg kdg2 ceria,kdg2 x ceria..hahaahah)

4. Abg Mie & kak lili a.k.a my loving bro n sis - My precious Consultant (Tanpa mereka,x wujud blog nie.heeheh.)

5.Cik Yanie a.k.a classmate terbaik-( selalu kene bebel ngn dy.eheheh..tp best sesangat bile kuar ngn dy)

6.Adek-beradek 11 saye+saye -( semua dapat award ek..jgn risau.heeheheh)

7.E. Mubin @ bean-junior saye yg saye respect.(eheheh name ayah same..tue kene bg award.ahaks..

8. Cik leena - my sweet classmate - ( dy ade bg award.so,nie kirenyer balas balik..heehe)

9. En.Epong@ nizam - Mantan pres saye n pemberi komen-huhuuhu selalu komen pedas oooo.)

ermmm..xnk wat byk2 r..ni pon bleh..coz ade dpt award lain..heeheeh..terima kaseh,arigato,thank you....

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